found at Sportitude
The EVT Safe Zone Cycling Helmet Rear View Mirror is a cutting-edge accessory designed to enhance the safety and awareness of cyclists on the road. At 5. 5cm (2. 25), this large, helmet-mounted bicycle mirror benefits both recreational and professional cylists. This high-quality design provides a wide field of view, allowing you to monitor your surroundings with ease while cycling. Once fixed to the top of the helmet, the adjustable design allows you to position the mirror precisely. - Large 5. 5cm (2. 25) mirror for a wide field of view - Durable design for your cycling adventures - Sturdy and stable mounting allows you to secure the mirror to your helmet confidently - Easy adjustment and simple installation - Made in the USA - Breakaway safety ball joint for additional safety - Long-lasting injection-moulded components ensure reliability Please note: Does not include helmet. Instructions: Use the provided mounting bracket and ties to attach the mirror base to your helmet. Adjust the mirror arm and remove the protective plastic film from the mirror before use.